Tuesday, 7 October 2014

13.1 wk 10 As predicted

Few things turn out as you predict. Last week had more than its fair share, for example,  the crazy day where I had "lunch" at 20.30. However, I did sucessfully predict where the plan and I had incompatible needs.

The first half of the week was fine; buggy babes and a 30 min run. The run felt good, a pleasure run, not a duty run, despite the long slog uphill. Unfortunately it was squeezed in rather late which didn't help my exhaustion level for the rest of the week. I'm used to a chronic low level tiredness, so it doesn't take much to tip me. A full-on working day, followed by a Brownie visit, then packing for a weekend away was plenty to tip me. No chance of fitting in a run. Next day was straight on the pack holiday following work. Again, no chance of a run. By the time  pack holiday was done and dusted, and 3 hours of cleaning the venue was complete, my idea of an intense physical workout involved a trip to McDonals, and a trip up the stairs to bed.

I know pack holiday well enough to have known that it was incompatible with the idea of nipping out for a run at any point. The chances of going for a 2hr run over the weekend were the same as England winning the 2015 football world cup.The chance of any compromise, short run, was that of England winning in 2014. Not ideal, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

As I start week 11, I'm pleased at how few phases there have been like this. I've done well on cross training, that naturally fits with my routines,  and I've done well on getting the long runs in, even if some of them have been walk/run battles. Based on my previous experience,  the psychological battle is minimised on the day, so I won't have the internal conflict of my solo runs. I have struggled with the week day runs, and speedwork. That will have some effect on performance, but I feel confident that I can achieve my primary goal of completing my first half marathon, mainly by running.

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