Thursday, 24 December 2015

All work and nearly no play

I admit it. I've been quiet for a while. I've got one of those full-time job things that's really messing with my time to play. With the long nights and murky weather, I've been struggling to do much. Looking back at my observations from this time last year, there is deja vu which consoles me. What I really miss is Buggy Babes which reliably got me out for an hour each week into daylight, so actually, although I have managed more runs than in the same period of last year, overall there's been less exercise done.

I'm aiming to do the 10k again in April so my immediate goal is to keep going at anything while the days are so gloomy and short. Then my motivation should pick up to concentrate on speed again.

A few positives are arising... My watch can now sync to Strava so I can share my runs again after my GPS on my old phone became distressingly inaccurate. Also in preparation for some DIY work, the exercise bike has moved to the conservatory which is proving to be more appealing, so I'm putting it to use on short tabata sessions. The days have now reached their shortest, so soon I won't feel like I'm completely nocturnal.

I have found the recent weather completely off-putting. I can do rain, but it's been that really dispiriting type, and the heavy overhanging gloom, winds and claggy clay mud of my favourite routes has done little to chivvy me out. I did have a cheery 5k escape last weekend when there was a brief interlude of sunshine and blue sky which spurred me on to face the mud. It was well worth putting my old trainers on for an invigorating mud bath!

I know this lull will pass. It's comforting that I can now see these cycles coming and going and knowing that they will pass. So hopefully there'll be a bit more time for running over the holidays, to set me off to a positive start for 2015.

Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!

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