Sunday 21 December 2014


So two months have passed by with a total of four runs notched up. Typical. The usual reasons/ excuses apply... recovery, a holiday, OFSTED, colds, seasonal social life... The regular cross training has been largely unaffected, so it's not been a total fitness wasteland. The current goal is the usual 10k in April, so no pressure at present, and it's been lovely having a few runs with no agenda. Hopefully the extra time over the festive season will restore a bit of mojo. The 10k is attainable, so I'd like to focus on boosting speed which will be developing new training skills as that was my weak spot of my training in operation 13.1.

I've enjoyed the change of season which feels more sudden with the gaps between my runs. I'm not a natural ally of winter, but I appreciate the openness in the landscape, especially in the woods nearby. A couple of months ago I treated myself to a running jacket/ hoody, and that's fab for keeping to a comfortable temperature- notice weather wasn't in my list of excuses... I'm looking forwards to the prospect of longer days though. I like to celebrate the shortest day by hugging a mature oak tree on the edge of my neighbourhood, so that was my main motivation to get my trainers muddy this morning, and muddy they got too!

So hopefully the next couple of weeks will see some more entries on my neglected log, and a promising start to 2015...

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